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  • Darshan Wagh

Nandini Salokhe becomes the Senior National Champion!

Nandini clinches Gold ending Maharashtra's drought of medals, and Swati brings home Bronze...

My journey with Nandini and Swati started 5 years ago in the small village of Murgud through a CSR initiative with Dorf Ketal and today I am basking in the realisation that the journey is just about beginning! After 4 attempts at the coveted Senior Nationals Wrestling Championship, Nandini has finally bagged GOLD in the 53 kg category and has ended Maharashtra’s drought in Gold medals I won’t focus much on the backstory of a fatherless child of a domestic help beating all odds to reach where she is right now - not to take anything away from the story, but because your appreciation may not come from the right place on hearing that.

Take inspiration from this instead - Nandini suffered a major knee injury in December 2018 and underwent a full ACL reconstruction in January 2019. Normally it would put an athlete out of action for over a year, but her determination to overcome the situation was so fierce and she followed my rehabilitation regime so sincerely that in just 8 months, she was on the mat playing the under-23 championship for Bronze. And today, it is GOLD at the Senior Nationals...and THAT is the real thing to focus on - her grit, her strength and the unwavering focus on her aspirations. Same is to be said about Swati who won Bronze in the 50kg category. Of course, the story cannot be completed without the mention of her coach - Dada Sopan Lavate. A rock-solid presence in their lives, who is extremely passionate, responsible, accountable, progressive, and personally invested in the sporting journey of Swati and Nandini - all qualities which are unfortunately rare in today's coaches. Swati and Nandini, I wish you all the best for a bright future and am sending countless blessings your way...I am a proud trainer today

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