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Athlete Development Organisation in
Performance Training and Sports

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

Because, evidence is undeniable

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All Hands In

"Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination"

Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Sport Stadium

Nandini Salokhe, Wrestler

Sr. National Champion 2021

I had never even heard of training, mentoring as being part of my wrestling regime. Darshan sir brought that holistic approach to me in 2014 and the results are evident. When I thought my career was over after my ACL tear, he rehabilitated me to full recovery and within 2 years, today I am the senior National Champion!


Snehal Mandhare, Archer

GD, Assam Rifles, Indian Army

Every athlete goes through dark phases, and the way Darshan sir helped me through mine showed that there are things way more important than money that an athlete can get. Timely mentoring, training and mental support can truly help bridge the gap between having skills and winning medals. 

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Dada Sopan Lavate

Wrestling Coach

As a coach your responsibilities are immense towards your athletes. Money alone cannot fulfil all of them because I cannot become their trainer, mentor, nutritionist, psychologist at once. Dorf Ketal gave us a system through Darshan Sir and Abhijeet Sir which drastically improved the performances of my athletes. 

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Empower the next Olympian from India today!

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